Mary Sherris speech flyer.

On March 19, 2024, Mary Sherris of Sherris Legal P.A. made a presentation for the Women’s Executive Exchange in Orlando. The event was sponsored by Orlando’s Citrus Club, which is an active supporter of the organization. The topic was, “You Are Here – Now Where Do You Want To Go?” The focus of the presentation was to have an authentic self-assessment of the important areas of one’s life to determine the next steps towards improvement and balance.

Women from an array of professional backgrounds attended to make new friends, network, and expand their personal growth. Not to mention, dining at the Citrus Club in downtown Orlando is always a wonderful experience. The Women’s Executive Exchange (WEE) meets every month with different speakers who bring a new perspective to the group. The WEE Luncheons are open to both members and non-members of the Citrus Club.

If you or a friend are interested in attending a future WEE Luncheon hosted by the Citrus Club, please call (407) 598-6035 to RSVP. If you are interested in learning more about the Citrus Club, please call (407) 598-6035 and ask for Paul Davis or Caleb Paull.