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Scam Alert: Online military romance scams have been coming to our attention more than ever. Fraud and scams are always horrific but the worst scams deal with faux romance. We find it despicable and want to make as many people as possible aware of this romance scam.

Beware of the Military Romance.

Recently, a wonderful lady fell in love with a U.S. Admiral in Afghanistan.  She is a widow in her 80s and has been very lonely since her husband passed.  She connected with a man online who convinced her they met years earlier.  He said he never stopped thinking about her.  They communicated mostly through text, exchanged photos of each other, and talked every two weeks.  After the third week, he told her that he loved her and that she was his soulmate.  He proposed marriage shortly after and stated he wanted to get married as soon as his job in Afghanistan ended the following month.  Her family learned of it and suspected a scam. They tried to intervene but to no avail, as she was in love. 

Of course, the soldier had to stay away longer than anticipated and one month turned to 2 then to 3.  Finally, he asked for $30,000.00 to secure a special military plane, as an Admiral, he needed to make several stops to sign paperwork before arriving in the U.S.  She refused to give him money and a week later he called again this time asking for $5,000.00 which she also refused.  Luckily, her family warned her not to give him any money and she listened. She awoke to the scam when he asked for the money. Of course, he never arrived and broke her heart.

Is this happening to you or someone you know?

Are you being romanced or talking online to someone who says they are a member of the military? Have they asked you for money? You might be sincerely looking for true love. Unfortunately, chances are good that you are the victim of one of thousands of military scams that take place daily. They are con artists.

U.S. military officials are warning those involved in online dating to proceed with caution when corresponding with someone claiming to be a U.S. military member serving in Syria, Afghanistan, or elsewhere. Do NOT send them any money. It is very difficult to get it back. Call us at Sherris Legal PA if you have any questions and call the police if you suspect you may be a victim.