Nursing Home Hurricane Preparedness for your loved one

A photo of earth from space.

Nursing home hurricane preparedness is the key to protecting your loved one. Hurricane season has just begun in Florida. This time of year brings up a unique set of potential health risks for the elderly. With hurricanes come power outages and evacuations. This can lead to stress on what may already be a weakened state.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require that nursing homes have plans and procedures in place for storms. To begin with, they must have lines of communication set up to coordinate their efforts with other local care providers and government agencies. Accordingly, it’s important to contact your loved one’s nursing home to learn the details of their specific disaster or evacuation plan.

Here are some questions to ask:

  • Does your facility have generators?
  • How frequently do you practice or review your emergency plans with residents?
  • How will I be notified in the event of an evacuation?
  • What is the best way for me to reach you in the event of a disaster/evacuation?
  • What are your plans for managing food and water in an emergency?

Surprisingly, evacuation may not be the best option. For example, it is often safer for the more fragile nursing home residents to stay in the facility instead of being evacuated. However, if you hear that your loved one’s nursing home will be shelter-in-place, heres what to expect. According to the Florida Health Care Association:

  • Evacuation to a hospital may be necessary for Residents with complex or unstable conditions
  • Residents with special care needs will be individually assessed to ensure the stability of their condition
  • The safety of the structure itself influences whether to evacuate or shelter-in-place
  • Security must be sufficient to protect residents and staff. For example, protection from desperate individuals who may attempt to forcefully take provisions
  • Finally, sufficient quantities of food and medications must be acquired prior to an emergency order to shelter in place.
    • Florida Requirements and Recommendations
      • One week of non-perishable food & supplies
      • 3 gallons of drinkable water supply per resident per day during and after a disaster
      • 72 hours' worth of essential supplies

In conclusion, the best way to care for your loved one is preparation.

National Criteria for Evacuation Decision-Making in Nursing Homes